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Amazon Prime Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana Reloaded

Malibu Songbird

A pop singer moves to Malibu, California, where she keeps her celebrity status under wraps as she tries to maintain some semblance of a normal life among her new neighbors. However, her anonymity is threatened when she's spotted by a paparazzo and a billboard featuring her face goes up in Times Square.

Living in the Spotlight

The singer, who is used to living in the spotlight, finds it difficult to adjust to her new life in Malibu. She misses the attention and adulation of her fans, and she struggles to find her place in the small town. However, she eventually comes to appreciate the peace and quiet of her new life, and she begins to find happiness in the simple things.

As she adjusts to her new life, the singer begins to realize that there is more to life than fame and fortune. She learns the importance of family and friends, and she discovers that true happiness comes from within.
